My Notes

For reading we had to make our own notes of people we find inspirational and that we respect. For my one i did my mates cause they inspire me and i also respect them very much.


Wainui Reflection

On the 15th of march the year 7 and 8s went to wainui for camp. We did a lot of fun activities and the weather was quite exquisite. 


One of the activities we did was paddling, for paddling we hoped in kayaks and did a bunch of fun activities. The water was freezing. 


Another One we did was rafting, for rafting we built a raft out of rope, barrels and sticks. We then went to test it out in the ocean. It floated really well.


We also did archery. To get there we had to walk through the woods. There were sections where only the people who use the bow and arrow went too. It was really fun to try to shoot the target.


In conclusion we did a bunch of fun activities and i would recommend going to wainui camp its a lot of fun.